Thursday, December 22, 2011

Illusent's Top 5 of 2011

Alright, so I jumped on the bandwagon for doing a countdown of 2011. And honestly, I almost don't want to put any particular order on my list, but... LOL! In the spirit of doing a Top 5, I'm just gonna do it anyway. Enjoy!

#5 The Gospel According to Hip-Hop
In a previous show in Mountainair, NM in August of 2011 I met a certain pastor by the name of Mike Nasci. In our personal conversations we were able to share our hearts, and love for the gospel with one another. This culminated with “The Gospel According to Hip-Hop” at Calvary Chapel Estancia Valley, an amazing hip hop concert featuring: DJ Eklectic, Relikis, Keyana, DOCC, Christ’s MC, Proseed and myself. The concert as a whole was great, but after a concise gospel message was presented by Pastor Mike; many people came forward for prayer with real issues, and many people accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior! It was a beautiful picture of God’s grace poured out on a tiny community! I love you guys!

#4 Good Friday on Riverside Dr.
So as the opportunity arose for us to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus through Hip-Hop on the busiest street in the "Lowrider Capital of the World" (Espanola, NM), we jumped at the chance to do so. Music from J Dubb, E. Soulja, Flatline, and myself. We were blessed to team up with The Rock Christian Outreach to share the message of hope with the people of the Espanola Valley! This event was monumental for the city of Espanola, on literally the busiest, most religious day of the year. For more see here!

#3 Rocking the Transformer Album Release Party
It’s always an honor being a part of my homie J Dubb’s albums, events, etc. However, this event was special because it was a beautiful summer night on Riverside Dr. in Espanola, NM. Many artists shared the stage that night including the big homie Russell Scarlett from Texas. Many people were blessed by the music presented that night, and J Dubb finished the night by performing many selections from “Transformer” with a live band! Many people were challenged by the message that was presented, and I was able to pray with many people! God was definitely glorified that night!

#2 The artistic progression of “Watercolorz: Artistic Freedom”
I know, this is a pretty general topic to post, however, God has been doing some amazing things in preparing me for this upcoming release! From the vision of the album as a whole, to the creation process behind every song. I am very pleased with the way this album is taking shape! You can look forward to music videos, and the first single “A Beautiful Life” to be available on iTunes in the spring! Watercolorz is currently about 80% complete, and is scheduled for release in the summer of 2012. For now, check out the preview of Santa Famous here!

#1 “Boom Bap” getting radio airplay
This was amazing, almost a surreal feeling! The first time I found out I was getting radio play, I received a text message while I was at Amanda’s brother’s baseball game! The first time I personally heard “Boom Bap” on the radio, I was closing out, and finishing up a normal day of work. It was truly an amazing feeling, and I was really excited to hear it in rotation for so long. “Boom Bap” went strong for about 5 months on 88.3 - Static Radio. Please continue requesting Illusent at your local radio stations! You can purchase “Boom Bap” here! *Shameless plug. LOL!

(Note: All of these "events" are in relation to my music ministry. Had it been more of a general list it would have included: my wife and I finding out she's pregnant, my sister getting married, becoming a community group leader at my local church, etc. Just wanna clarify.)

Looking forward to 2012!!

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