Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Who Am I? Gaining Perspective

Photo by Amanda Barry

Check out this awesome article written on Illusent’s “Who Am I?” off the Pedestrian album. The article is titled “Who Am I? Gaining Perspective from Illusent”. Read a snippet of the article below, with the full article available at

By Torrey Garrison | | January 2012

It's about time to look at another hip hop artist and how one of his songs can become a sermon or a lesson with a little twist. I have a 1970 Cadillac that I like to take a ride in every once in awhile; and as the night had become cool here in Mobile, Ala., it was a perfect time to take it out. I was just cruising the Saraland community and a thought came to me. I wonder who I could find in the Christian hip hop community with that smooth west coast sound that I grew up on. Through a couple of searches online I came to an artist in Sante Fe, N.M., named Illusent. Many of you may have heard of him, but I had not. I shot him an email and asked if I could use one of his songs for a video I was shooting. After a few emails back and forth, I asked him about doing this article with me, so here we are… (Read More)

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