Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Illest Christmas Ever!

What's good, everyone! Well, as I write this post I'm sipping on a glass of Egg Nog in the ugliest Christmas sweater you can ever imagine while listening to my custom Bing Crosby station on Pandora. In other words, I guess you can say I'm in the Christmas Spirit! LOL! Here's how I want to bless my local supporters; I want to give you a stocking stuffer from yours truly! How will this work? All you have to do is ask. Between now and December 31st, if you see me (it has to be in person) ask me "Illusent, where's my Christmas present?" and I will give you one FREE copy of ANY Illusent release of your choice (The Foundation, Pedestrian or Watercolorz)!

As a courtesy, I would appreciate a tweet, Facebook post or Instagram photo with the hashtag: #illestchristmasever

Love you guys! Merry Christmas!

Stay up to date with Illusent news right here at www.illusent.com 

Watercolorz: Artistic Freedom Out Now! 

Click here to download "A Beautiful Life" on iTunes 
Click here to download "Watercolorz: Artistic Freedom" on iTunes 

Follow Illusent on Twitter @illusent 

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